
Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sneak Peek - Grandma's Little Monster

Our latest children's book Grandma's Little Monster is about a grandma who receives a visitor at her door.  Only this visitor is a tyrant out to break the rules, create a mess and show Grandma just who is boss. But Grandma has a trick up her sleeve to show her little monster that she can rewrite the rules to please both sides.  This book has been a fun project for a good friend Casey Hagarty (check out her awesome blog here!)

{ front cover }

{ inside peek}

-Do you have a story/idea/thought that would make a cool illustration?  Fact or fiction leave it below in the comments.  If we like it, we'll illustrate it!


  1. I am so excited to see the book! Great work!

  2. Adventures at Lake Nacimiento: The first time I water skied was on my dad's back. A "toe head" with an orange life jacket and two ski belts I hung on to his neck for dear life! My grandfather's mahogany outboard boat took off from the dock as water blasted my face! Soon I was flying through the air with the wind in my hair. We ventured out to cross the wakes of the boat,one side then the other.What a ride! It started a life long love for skiing.
